17 JULY 2020 rev 1
The following is the American Smallbore Shooting Association COVID-19 Match Execution Plan. The goal of the plan is to address the following:
1. Provide a general awareness of the COVID-19 safety protocols for attendees
2. A general health screening process
3. An enhanced cleaning & disinfecting protocol for regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces
4. Provisions for enhancing hand washing and personal hygiene measures
5. Complying with Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) social distancing recommendations, separation measures and face coverings / barriers.
The Plan
This plan will be implemented during the event outlined above for safety purposes. Although this is an outdoor facility and event, several actions will be necessary for maximum health and safety considerations.
● Attendees should follow social distancing guidelines that include a recommended minimum distance of 6 feet and minimizing any body to body contact (i.e. shaking hands)
● Facial coverings (i.e. masks) over the nose and mouth will be strongly encouraged to be worn at all times whenever they may be in close contact with others. Such areas would include restrooms, registration and scoring office, hand washing stations, etc.
● Competitors will decide if they want to wear a mask while actively competing on the firing line.
● Additional dedicated hand washing stations will be located to provide additional opportunities to practice personal hygiene.
● High traffic areas will have bottles of hand sanitizer available.
● Any picnic tables on site will be separated by no less than six (6) feet and are suggested to be limited to four (4) people per table.
● COVID-19 awareness information will be posted around the facility to remind attendees of US CDC and Indiana state guidelines.
General Health Screening Process
As a general health screening process:
● volunteers participating at the event will have their temperatures taken upon arrival. If their temperature exceeds 100.4 deg F, they will be denied participation and be required to immediately leave the site and self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
● competitors are to self-screen their temperature each morning prior to departing their housing location for the range. If their temperature exceeds 100.4 deg F, they are not to come to the range and are to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
Any participants who exhibit the following will be requested to have their temperature taken as an additional precaution. Participants exceeding 100.4 deg F will be required to leave the facility and self quarantine as necessary.
● Chills
● Shortness of breath / trouble breathing
● Fatigue
● Body / Muscle aches
● Headache
● Sore Throat
● Nausea and/or vomiting
The Facility
The main building will be utilized for competitor registration and scoring. The building also has restrooms and a small covered area with picnic benches. The range is an outdoor event facility open to the ambient environment. The only range structure is a roof (approx. 10’ wide) that covers only the length of the firing line.
The Event
The event is the ASSA National Smallbore Rifle Championships that will be conducted 24-31 July 2020 at the Chief Wa-Ke-De facility in Bristol, IN. This is an outdoor event in a rural setting.
Match Operations
● A daily reminder of the COVID-19 safety recommendations will be read out loud via the site PA system prior to the start of competition.
● Each shooting pad is approximately six (6) feet wide with only one (1) competitor per pad.
● If a competitor needs to approach a match official, they both will need to use PPE (face mask).
● All award ceremonies will be conducted outside and attendees should practice social distancing (i.e. min six (6) feet apart)
● During initial registration, all attendees will be requested to wear masks and maintain a minimum of six (6) feet social distancing.
● Registration activities will be conducted via “touch-less” process that includes any materials transferred via sanitized plastic containers.
● Personnel working in the registration office will wear masks to minimize exposure.
● High touch areas – including counters, tables, keyboards, etc. will be regularly sanitized during the course of each day.
● Hand sanitizer will be available for use after all transactions.
Registration / Match Operations Building
● Only match operations and volunteer personnel will be allowed in the building.
● The registration and match operations areas will be set up such to maintain maximum distance between each station, with the goal being a minimum of six (6) feet if possible.
● Match operations and volunteers will wear masks.
● All restroom contact surfaces will be sanitized at least daily, with high contact points (door handles, sink fixtures, etc.) done more frequently.
● High touch areas – including counters, tables, keyboards, etc. will be regularly sanitized during the course of each day.
● Hand sanitizer will be available for use after all transactions.
The ASSA COVID-19 preparedness plan will be implemented as outlined for the 2020 championship event. The goal is to facilitate an outdoor recreational activity that adheres to government health guidelines for this type of event.
17 JULY 2020 rev 1
The following is the American Smallbore Shooting Association COVID-19 Match Execution Plan. The goal of the plan is to address the following:
1. Provide a general awareness of the COVID-19 safety protocols for attendees
2. A general health screening process
3. An enhanced cleaning & disinfecting protocol for regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces
4. Provisions for enhancing hand washing and personal hygiene measures
5. Complying with Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) social distancing recommendations, separation measures and face coverings / barriers.
The Plan
This plan will be implemented during the event outlined above for safety purposes. Although this is an outdoor facility and event, several actions will be necessary for maximum health and safety considerations.
● Attendees should follow social distancing guidelines that include a recommended minimum distance of 6 feet and minimizing any body to body contact (i.e. shaking hands)
● Facial coverings (i.e. masks) over the nose and mouth will be strongly encouraged to be worn at all times whenever they may be in close contact with others. Such areas would include restrooms, registration and scoring office, hand washing stations, etc.
● Competitors will decide if they want to wear a mask while actively competing on the firing line.
● Additional dedicated hand washing stations will be located to provide additional opportunities to practice personal hygiene.
● High traffic areas will have bottles of hand sanitizer available.
● Any picnic tables on site will be separated by no less than six (6) feet and are suggested to be limited to four (4) people per table.
● COVID-19 awareness information will be posted around the facility to remind attendees of US CDC and Indiana state guidelines.
General Health Screening Process
As a general health screening process:
● volunteers participating at the event will have their temperatures taken upon arrival. If their temperature exceeds 100.4 deg F, they will be denied participation and be required to immediately leave the site and self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
● competitors are to self-screen their temperature each morning prior to departing their housing location for the range. If their temperature exceeds 100.4 deg F, they are not to come to the range and are to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
Any participants who exhibit the following will be requested to have their temperature taken as an additional precaution. Participants exceeding 100.4 deg F will be required to leave the facility and self quarantine as necessary.
● Chills
● Shortness of breath / trouble breathing
● Fatigue
● Body / Muscle aches
● Headache
● Sore Throat
● Nausea and/or vomiting
The Facility
The main building will be utilized for competitor registration and scoring. The building also has restrooms and a small covered area with picnic benches. The range is an outdoor event facility open to the ambient environment. The only range structure is a roof (approx. 10’ wide) that covers only the length of the firing line.
The Event
The event is the ASSA National Smallbore Rifle Championships that will be conducted 24-31 July 2020 at the Chief Wa-Ke-De facility in Bristol, IN. This is an outdoor event in a rural setting.
Match Operations
● A daily reminder of the COVID-19 safety recommendations will be read out loud via the site PA system prior to the start of competition.
● Each shooting pad is approximately six (6) feet wide with only one (1) competitor per pad.
● If a competitor needs to approach a match official, they both will need to use PPE (face mask).
● All award ceremonies will be conducted outside and attendees should practice social distancing (i.e. min six (6) feet apart)
● During initial registration, all attendees will be requested to wear masks and maintain a minimum of six (6) feet social distancing.
● Registration activities will be conducted via “touch-less” process that includes any materials transferred via sanitized plastic containers.
● Personnel working in the registration office will wear masks to minimize exposure.
● High touch areas – including counters, tables, keyboards, etc. will be regularly sanitized during the course of each day.
● Hand sanitizer will be available for use after all transactions.
Registration / Match Operations Building
● Only match operations and volunteer personnel will be allowed in the building.
● The registration and match operations areas will be set up such to maintain maximum distance between each station, with the goal being a minimum of six (6) feet if possible.
● Match operations and volunteers will wear masks.
● All restroom contact surfaces will be sanitized at least daily, with high contact points (door handles, sink fixtures, etc.) done more frequently.
● High touch areas – including counters, tables, keyboards, etc. will be regularly sanitized during the course of each day.
● Hand sanitizer will be available for use after all transactions.
The ASSA COVID-19 preparedness plan will be implemented as outlined for the 2020 championship event. The goal is to facilitate an outdoor recreational activity that adheres to government health guidelines for this type of event.

assa_covid-19_match_execution_plan_rev_1.pdf |